

About me:

My First Acct was Skye_Rocket_SNC I am the Founder of LGBTS Bully Awareness on RLC as of Feb 24, 2017.
LGBTS Bully Awareness You Matter to Us and Your Voice will be heard. I formed this group LGBTS Bully Awareness so if people on RLC get Bullied they have people to come to for help and support like a Hotline. I am trying to reach out to all different people Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transgender no one is left out. There is a Skype chat that all is welcome to join on the Bulletin under “Contact Us” and they don’t need an account they can sign under a Guest name. Also under “About Us” towards the bottom you see the logo and you can copy that code to place on your profile to show support to our group. When they click it they will see the Bulletin. The First Event will be held at FreeZone on March 25th @ 7pm EST. There is where we will introduce the group and make as many New people aware of what we stand for. Then after we will travel from different Clubs supporting the LGBTS Bully Awareness.
Volunteers are always needed to spread the word by posting the Bulletin and maybe take an hour of your time like to Greet/Spam at the Opening Event on March 25th.

Staff Members will also keep spreading the word about our group and trying to find others to join in the Support. Like Designers, Clubs, DJ’s, and Just people in general. Also when we have events maybe find a few Sponsors for the prizes.
The Main Goal is to stand by the Victim and try to shut down the Bully. I never ever again want to here from someone Let it go it’s the Past or this has become tiresome. They will never hear that from me and nor should you say that as well. We all Matter and we all need to work together to Stop this Bullying on RLC. We ALL Matter ! !





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