
DJ Dark Dragon

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While the chat is not the real world, you should always be aware that you are responsible for any contact with people ….. I know that many people here are not so sure about the truth, but if you play with feelings of people, then you have clearly crossed the border !!! Even if the chat is not real … behind every computer is a real person and you should never forget that ….. If you have also touched this email as well as me, then take this thoughtful text and build it into yours Page one. So that certain people stop playing their games on the internet! A friend is a person who sees your smile … and yet spurts, that your inside breaks. —- love, honesty, loyalty, and trust !!!!!!!!! FALSE OR REAL FRIENDS – FALSE friends ask you for food … REAL friends are the reason why your fridge is empty … FALSE friends do not see you cry … REAL friends cry with you … FALSE friends know something about You … REAL friends could write a book about you … FALSE friends would knock on your doorstep … REAL friends come straight in and say, “Am home” … FALSE friends help you when you crash .. REAL friends pounce on you and shout “sandwich” … 🙂 FALSE friends you have for a while … REAL friends will last a lifetime … FALSE friends will read this … REAL friends will be here copy….. Friendship what is that …. The F is for each other dying …………… The R stands for respect …………… The E stands for honesty ………….. The U stands for inseparable …….. The N stands for never losing ….. The D stands for gratitude ……….. The S stands for protection ……………… The C stands for character strong ……. The H stands for heart ……………….. The A stands for respect …………… The F stands for Fair ………………… The T stands for loyalty ………………. JUST WHY Why can not I trust hard? Because my trust has been destroyed too often. Why am I sometimes so suspicious? Because I’m scared of being deceived … Why am I so cold sometimes? Because otherwise I would be so vulnerable … Why am I afraid of love? Because love always hurt me … Why am I sometimes so hurtful? Because otherwise I would have to show how hurt I am … Why am I the way I am? Because they made me a long time ago … You should memorize this very well especially the users here my Utherverse is a game This RLC is a chat. NO GAME !!!! The AVA is controlled by a human. This person has feelings and a heart. When feelings are hurt and a heart is broken, it is usually too late. It breaks something that will not heal completely anymore. Always be honest with each other, try to understand each other and make him feel special. RESPECT is the magic word you should always have, for everyone !! Again for all: The chat is not the real world, but you should always be aware that you take responsibility for any contact with people! I know that many people here do not really care about the truth, but when you play with people’s feelings, you have clearly crossed the border !!! Even if the chat is not real, behind every computer sits a real person and you should never forget that! If these lines also touch you just like me, then take this thoughtful text and put it in your page. So that some people stop hurting other people on the internet !!






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