
Closing Ceremony Paris Olympics 2024

The closing celebration of the Olympics is not only a celebration of the games ending but a passing of the flag to the next city and country to host the next games.Simone Biles was passed the flag from Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass. as H.E.R who comes from her hometown and 2028 host city of Los Angeles preformed a outstanding rendition of the "Star Spangled Banner".Tom Cruise in a "Mission […]

todayAugust 12, 2024 54

Rock Music

Comedian Has Funny Theory Why Ozzy Osbourne is Still Alive

Author Erica Banas // Rock Music Reporter August 9th 3:22 PM Ozzy Osbourne has been through a lot, to say the least. It was only recently that his health took a turn, but comedian Luke Null has a funny theory of how The Prince of Darkness has defied the odds. In the clip below, Null sings a jaunty tune about the mortality of Ozzy Osbourne. He begins, “I’m scared that Ozzy […]

todayAugust 10, 2024 14

DJ Toad

Featured DJ

|August DJ Spotlight | DJ_TOAD_TCD

RLC Name:DJ_TOAD_TCD3dx Name:DJ TOAD TCDDJ Toad has been DJing officially for 8 years in RLC!His favorite genre is rock.65-year-(young) rock dj trying to bring all forms of rock music to my listeners along with fun/comedy, I take it seriously but not too much as if i am not having fun i can not bring the fun to my listeners, and thanks to QDJS I can do this, as an "ex-musician" […]

todayAugust 2, 2024 63

DJ Aphrodite


DJ Aphrodite

One of the hardest things one goes through is to lose someone you love.This has to be the hardest post that I have ever posted.Friday, July 5th 2024 I received word that my RLC/2nd Life wife had passed away following a brief illness.DJ Aphrodite, Lynn, had been with Quality DJ Streaming since 2016 and helped its growth tremendously. She was very well-known in RLC and 2nd Life and DJed in both […]

todayJuly 7, 2024 33


We Are Still Here and Growing!

Three Streaming Platforms! check WHMsonic Platform check Centova Platform check Medua CP Platform Three platform and each have simular features, yet some different ones as well. If you are new to internet streaming or just want a basic stream, I recommend WHMsonic. If you want more advanced features, like scheduling playlists, I would go with Centova or Media CP. If you want automatic recordings of your live stream, Media CP […]

todayJune 12, 2024 21


Get Behind Our Services and Products

👀 DJ With 💯 (100)% Confidence And SAVE Too! LOOK 👀 Inside! DJ with confidence! Quality DJ Streaming techs are here for You! ✅🔥👀 🎵 🎸🎤 Our servers have 99& uptime! 👀 🎵 🎸🎤 👀 🔥✅ DJ With Confidence SAVE! Check the competition! 192 KBPS, w/200 Listeners, 5 GB storage – them: 175 RAYS – With us, pay only 75 RAYS! Other plans starting as low as 50 rays. Check […]

todayApril 10, 2024 22



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todayFebruary 2, 2023 3
